What does the technical production for events look like?

What does the technical production for events look like? It is a question that concerns every event organizer. Light, sound and perhaps fireworks. These are just a few of the many factors that make up technical production. With the right technical production your even becomes a spectacle. On this page you can read out which factors the technical production of an event consists of and which you all must consider. Good technical production is a first step towards an unforgettable event.

The location

One of the first steps towards a successful event is choosing the right location for your event. Depending on what kind of event you are going to organize (live, business, fair), you will look for the best matching location. Keep in mind the atmosphere that you want to put down during your event, whether the location suits your audience and that you can clearly communicate your message to your audience with the location. Choosing the right location is decisive for success. So, take plenty of time here and let multiple locations pass by before you make aa decision. ALWAYS visit the location before you secure it.

GPS surveying/disabling

There are different kinds of events. For every event, whether you want to organize a live event, trade show or business event, it is important to map the terrain accurately. Are you planning to organize a live event? With the help of a GPS it is possible to measure the terrain of a new or existing festival site, so that there is a correct basis (with coordinates) for correct creating a CAD terrain map. After making the drawing, the terrain can be quickly and efficiently removed from stage to trash using the coordinates. You can also do this without GPS. A schematic drawing measuring the terrain.

Even when you are going to organize a business event or a fair, it is necessary to accurately determine the area of the location (hall/halls). This way you can organize the available spaces and start with the external design of your event.

Site production

When the plans for the event are created and signed, you can proceed to site production. This includes tasks such as ordering stages, lighting, sound, toilets, tents, stage décor, fences, electricity and water to the actual layout of the festival grounds. It is important that deadlines, the budget and the design are monitored and overseen. Ensure that the site production is picked up by a whole team, so that the process runs accurately and in a structured manner.


When you have accurately measured the grounds/halls and you have completed the site production, you can switch to the external design. The external design largely determines the atmosphere you want to create with your event. The terrain and stage decor play an important role in this. A lot of attention needs to be paid to this. So, think carefully about what you want to convey with your event. If you want to come across as a business event or trade fair, then you go for a tight, businesslike look. The decor of a live event is usually provided with a completely different look.


When the décor is set, it can then be given form to the stage. No show without stage! Make a spectacular stage. After all, it is the central point of attention. Think again of what you want to radiate and shape your stage accordingly. In addition to the stage think of everything about the stage, such as sound towers, catwalks, backstage rooms, camera shelves etc. you can have a beautiful stage, but when the other facilities are not well organized, the event will never be a success make sure it is all right!


Once you have mapped the terrain and have the set the stages, you can take the next step in the organization’s process for your event. What most people may not immediately associate with the technical production of an event, but what is certainly part of this, are the following factors: fencing, toilets, cash registers, tent floors, crush barriers, electricity, outdoor lightning and water. So, there are countless factors that you should consider as an event organization. During this process, coordination with suppliers is very important. Ensure that the agreements with the suppliers are clear and on paper. In the preparation of the event, meet with all parties involved at least once to ensure a clear alignment.

Technical production

Once the terrain has been divided and stages have been designed, the technical production of the event can be transferred. By ensuring good technical production you give your audience the unforgettable experience. For good technical production use is made of light, sound, rigging, truss and cable suppliers. With the presence of this technique, you immediately give your location a professional appearance. With the right technical production, you can create the atmosphere that suits the purpose of your event and your audience. This will differ per type of event, so keep this in mind. Technical production can make or crack your event. Let the amazing technical production be the icing on the cake for your event. This way you let the audience enjoy your beautiful show.


An often-forgotten part of the technical production of events is the use of sitecrew. staff who, other things, monitor the festival site, helps with the assembly, dismantling, loading and unloading and machine operation. A group of people who can not be ignored from the organization. Therefore, never economical on this part.


As has already become clear above, there is a lot of attention in the technical production of events. It is a process that consists of many parts that all take a lot of time. Make sure that all parts receive the necessary attention. Only then can the technical production ensure the success of your event.

Need help?

Taking care of the technical production of an event is a big and mainly responsible job. You can also choose to hand this over to specialists. Are you curious about the possibilities? Then you can contact us freely to look at al the possibilities together.

Erwin Balkema

Erwin Balkema

Erwin Balkema owner of Bano Can we also help you realize a successful event or exhibition participation online or hybrid? Bano Event Technology

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